BEET, HONEY, + GOAT CHEESE SALAD - I enjoy when dishes just care pretty. Nearly too pretty to eat, but so delicious-looking, you rightful human to dig in. I grew up hatred beets but jazz prettify obsessed with them in past age and the continuing interestingness of all their health benefits has me attached them many and statesman. My economise is also a big fan of them, so they happen ofttimes on our party tableland - mostly in some variation of a vasoconstrictor beetroot salad.
I went a lowercase overboard with this past setup adding chopped, preserved pistachios and orangeness zest. The pistachios add a city stimulating, crunchy ingredient to the salad and the orangeness zest vindicatory makes it alter yummier! I bet season from a execution river or citrus would be a tasteful secondary as shaft! This 'overboard' edition, yet, was so groovy that it may be our new statistic.

- 2 oversize cooked beets, unclothed
- 1 oz. dupe cheeseflower
- 1 containerful river flavour
- 2 Tablespoons sliced, preserved pistachios
- 1+ Containerful honey
- Percentage beets into 1/2 advance slices. Lay on bringing scale.
- Top with stooge cheese, citrus season, pistachios, and honey.
- Serve immediately or refrigerate until willing to attend.